Audio Spectrum Signal Analyzer Software
(Level, Power, Noise Density, Freq. Response) & Wave Generator

HpW Works is an Audio Spectrum Analyzer Software based signal measurement system for the MS Windows platform.
Analyzes a DUT using a sound card, wave files and text (ASCII) files.

Analysis feature set:
- Level Spectrum, Power Spectrum and Spectrum Density with real time FFT
- Fast Frequency Resonce using low crest flat, pink & brown stimuli signal files
- Fast SMP channel processing where each channel is assigned to a physical CPU
- X-axis scale with linear, logarithmic, center or custom scaling range
- Y-axis scale (Volt & Watt) and dB/Hz or dB/rtHz
- Various signal analysis are performed like RMS, DR, THD, THD-N and more.
- Input calibration
Wave generator:
- DC, sine, sine & harmonics and multi sine
- IM (various), Noise, jitter test signals, test pattern and custom wave file
Sound card interface:
- WASAPI Exclusive mode, ASIO Synchron I/O, ASIO Multi Client, MME and WDM
- Input & output, each with different interface mode, sample rate and bit size (16, 24,32).
- Level Spectrum, Power Spectrum and Spectrum Density with real time FFT